Step 4 − Now try to type Ctrl + Q using the keyboard directly and you will find that you are able to type © symbol without going into the symbol dialog box. Finally, use the Close button to close the dialog box. Note Microsoft Word 2010 disabled the functionality of the Insert key and it does nothing, so you will have to follow-up with the above mentioned procedure to turn-on or turn-off the Insert mode. You will see that the selected key will be added in the list of assigned keys. Word will replace the existing text with the newly typed text without moving the position of the exiting test. You press Ctrl + Q and then click the Assign button to assign the shortcut key.
Word’s special characters include twelve text characters, such as the en dash, that don’t appear on traditional keyboards and fifteen formatting characters, such as the nonbreaking hyphen, that affect text layout. Step 3 − Now type the selected shortcut key in the shortcut key box. This tutorial shows three ways to insert special characters in Microsoft Word: 1. Now click Shortcut Key button which will display the following Customize Keyboard dialog box. Step 2 − Click the symbol for which a shortcut key needs to be assigned. Step 1 − Assume you already have the following symbol dialog box opened. Following are the steps to assign Ctrl + Q key to insert the © symbol which is one of the available symbols in the special symbols list − You can assign a keyboard shortcut to type any of the available symbol. You can select any of the symbol and then click the Insert button to insert the selected symbol. If you do not find the desired symbol in this small box, then you can click at the More Symbols option to have a wide range of symbols as shown below in the symbol dialog box. Step 3 − Now click on any of the available symbols in the box to insert that in your document at the selected location. Step 2 − When you click the Symbol button, a small list of symbols will appear as shown below. For now, we are going to understand the use of the Symbol button as shown below. You will further use equations while preparing mathematical or scientific or any similar document. Click either of these two options based on your requirement. You will find two options under the symbol button (a) Equation and (b) Symbols. Step 1 − To insert a special symbol, bring your cursor at the place where you want to insert the symbol. Here is a simple procedure to apply zoom-in or zoom-out operation using the View tab − If you find yourself using a particular symbol frequently, you can assign a keyboard shortcut to it. To insert symbols that are occasionally used, follow the steps in this section. Your keyboard may not have many characters available but you want to use those characters in your document in such situations, you have the option to insert Special Symbols the way we will further understand in this chapter. Each Word symbol has an Altcode which can serve as that symbol's shortcut.
You can scroll down to just past the middle, or you can directly type the Character Code at the bottom. In the Symbols dialog that opens, for 'Font', select 'Segoe UI Symbol'.
The process for inserting other symbols is almost identical, just click “Symbol”, “More Symbols” and just scroll through the list until you find what you want and insert it and that is how to insert symbol Word.In this chapter, we will discuss the use of special symbols in Word 2010. In this article, you'll learn how to insert symbols into your Word document. To insert a symbol and browse whats available from any Office application click Insert Symbol: under the Insert tab, then the Symbols group, click Symbol / More Symbols. The symbol will appear where your cursor is and then you need to click “Close”. Once you have found it, click on it and click “Insert”.
The “Symbol” window will appear and you just need to scroll through this until you see the degree symbol. Assuming that you haven’t used the degree symbol recently, you’ll need to click “More Symbols”.
You will see several popular symbols below, these are based on what you have used recently. From the tabs at the top click “Insert” and on the right of the new ribbon you will see an icon labeled “Symbol” – click this. As you can see here we have a number and we want to make this a degree. This tutorial will show you insert symbol Word which is useful as many symbols are just not available on the keyboard.įirst let’s have a look at inserting the degree symbol.